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Friday, 27 February 2015

What Is ISL Uranium Mining

In situ leach mining (ISL), also known as in-situ mining or solution mining, was first used as a means to extract low grades of uranium from ore in underground mines. First used in Wyoming in the 1950s, originally as a low production experiment at the Lucky June mine, it became a high-production, low cost method of fulfilling Atomic Energy Commission uranium requirements at Utah Construction Company's Shirley Basin mining operations in the 1960s. Pioneered through the efforts of Charles Don Snow, a uranium mining and exploration geologist employed by Utah, many of his developments are still used today in ISL mining.

What is ISL mining? According to the Wyoming Mining Association website, ISL mining is explained in the following manner. (We choose Wyoming because it is the birthplace of "solution mining" as it was originally called.)

"In-situ mining is a noninvasive, environmentally friendly mining process involving minimal surface disturbance which extracts uranium from porous sandstone aquifers by reversing the natural processes which deposited the uranium.

To be mined in situ, the uranium deposit must occur in permeable sandstone aquifers. These sandstone aquifers provide the "plumbing system" for both the original emplacement and the recovery of the uranium. The uranium was emplaced by weakly oxidizing ground water which moved through the plumbing systems of the geologic formation. To effectively extract uranium deposited from ground water, a company must first thoroughly define this plumbing system and then designs well fields that best fit the natural hydro-geological conditions.

Detailed mapping techniques, using geophysical data from standard logging tools, have been developed by uranium companies. These innovative mapping methods define the geologic controls of the original solutions, so that these same routes can be retraced for effective in situ leaching of the ore. Once the geometry of the ore bodies is known, the locations of injection and recovery wells are planned to effectively contact the uranium. This technique has been used in several thousand wells covering hundreds of acres.

Following the installation of the well field, a leaching solution (or lixiviant), consisting of native ground water containing dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, is delivered to the uranium-bearing strata through the injection wells. Once in contact with the mineralization, the lixiviant oxidizes the uranium minerals, which allows the uranium to dissolve in the ground water. Production wells, located between the injection wells, intercept the pregnant lixiviant and pump it to the surface. A centralized ion-exchange facility extracts the uranium from the barren lixiviant, stripped of uranium, is regenerated with oxygen and carbon dioxide and recirculated for continued leaching. The ion exchange resin, which becomes 'loaded' with uranium, it is stripped or eluted. Once eluted, the ion exchange resin is returned to the well field facility.

During the mining process, slightly more water is produced from the ore-bearing formation than is reinjected. This net withdrawal, or 'bleed,' produces a cone of depression in the mining area, controlling fluid flow and confining it to the mining zone. The mined aquifer is surrounded, both laterally and above and below, by monitor wells which are frequently sampled to ensure that all mining fluids are retained within the mining zone. The 'bleed' also provides a chemical bleed on the aquifer to limit the buildup of species like sulfate and chloride which are affected by the leaching process. The 'bleed' water is treated for removal of uranium and radium. This treated water is then disposed of through waste water land application, or irrigation. A very small volume of radioactive sludge results; this sludge is disposed of at an NRC licensed uranium tailings facility.

The ion exchange resin is stripped of its uranium, and the resulting rich eluate is precipitated to produce a yellow cake slurry. This slurry is dewatered and dried to a final drummed uranium concentrate.

At the conclusion of the leaching process in a well field area, the same injection and production wells and surface facilities are used for restoration of the affected ground water. Ground water restoration is accomplished in three ways. First, the water in the leach zone is removed by "ground water sweep", and native ground water flows in to replace the removed contaminated water. The water which is removed is again treated to remove radionuclides and disposed of in irrigation. Second, the water which is removed is processed to purify it, typically with reverse osmosis, and the pure water is injected into the affected aquifer. This reinjection of very pure water results in a large increment of water quality improvement in a short time period. Third, the soluble metal ions which resulted from the oxidation of the ore zone are chemically immobilized by injecting a reducing chemical into the ore zone, immobilizing these constituents in situ. Ground water restoration is continued until the affected water is suit
able for its pre-mining use.

Throughout the leaching and restoration processes, a company ensures the isolation of the leach zone by careful well placement and construction. The well fields are extensively monitored to prevent the contamination of other aquifers.

Once mining is complete, the aquifer is restored by pumping fresh water through the aquifer until the ground water meets the pre-mining use.

In situ mining has several advantages over conventional mining. First, the environmental impact is minimal, as the affected water is restored at the conclusion of mining. Second, it is lower cost, allowing Wyoming's low grade deposits to compete globally with the very high grade deposits of Canada. Finally the method is safe and proven, resulting in minimal employee exposure to health risks."

ISL mining may be the wave of the future of U.S. uranium mining, or it may become an interim mining measure, in areas where the geology is appropriate for IS. Until sufficient quantities of uranium are required by U.S. utilities to fuel the country's demand for nuclear energy, ISL mining may remain the leading uranium mining method in the United States. At some point, an overwhelming need for uranium for the nuclear fuel cycle may again put ISL mining in the backseat, and uranium miners may return to conventional mining methods, such as open pit mining.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Is-ISL-Uranium-Mining&id=183880

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Metallurgist Roles in Mining Companies

Mining of metals and minerals is a growth industry, especially in Africa, providing job opportunities for metallurgists to work in various roles. Positions are well paid as metallurgists are required to have at least one degree from an accredited university or college. The preferred qualifications are a Bachelors Degree in Extractive Metallurgy or Metallurgical Engineering or BSc. in Chemical Engineering with a major in Mineral Processing. This is not a profession where candidates can learn the required skills on the job although experience can be gained throughout their career by expanding their exposure to different types of work on mines.

The type of work they do

The most common metallurgist roles include project management, consulting, technical or site management and research. For example, on a mine he/she would be expected to:

•    Design work programs and manage all metallurgical testing both in-house and with external service providers and laboratories

•    Work with the senior team to review and evaluate technical solutions

•    Liaise with geologists and other technical personnel to ensure the most suitable metallurgical solution is understood and employed

•    Constantly re-evaluate the metallurgical performance

At middle management level, as a project manager they would coordinate day-to-day mining activities, manage quality assurance and generally ensure a smooth operation. Mining companies look for a minimum of 5 years experience before they post these types of managers to remotely located mines. At the most senior level metallurgists can become mine managers which includes coordinating all operations, staffing, running the site itself, selecting the extraction process, and resolving operational and business issues.

Furthering a career

Metallurgists with further education and extensive experience in many technical processes become professional consultants or researchers either working directly for a large mining company or for a consulting firm contracted to it. Their role may be to advise clients on process engineering, to perform cost analyses or do budgeting. They may get involved in environmental impact assessments, HSEQ and social responsibility as well. The mining industry is constantly updating its methods of extraction and waste management in order to stay profitable and needs researchers to continue to explore new methods and processes. Pay levels vary depending on work experience, area of expertise and the location where they are posted.

Some of the personal attributes required to be successful in this field are to be an effective team player, have a high level of inter-personal communication skills and be able to express yourself in writing. A good knowledge of French is often asked for when an African posting is offered. Because of inhospitable locations and remoteness of mines, most of the postings attract single people or more mature staff who do not have school-going children.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Metallurgist-Roles-in-Mining-Companies&id=6678129

Monday, 23 February 2015

CSR in the Extraction Sector

A study commissioned by the Canadian Mining industry found that Canadian mining companies were involved in 4 times as many mining "incidents" as companies from other countries. The study was intended for internal consumption only but has been leaked to the press recently. The study found that Canadian mining companies were involved in nearly two thirds of the 171 "high profile" environmental and human rights violations it studied occurring between 1999 and 2009. Members of the mining industry pointed out that the occurrences are in proportion to their representation on the global mining scene, indicating that they were no better or worse than companies from other countries.

First some background on the study. The study findings were captured in a report titled "Corporate Social Responsibility & the Canadian International Extractive Sector: A Survey". The report was prepared for the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) by the Canadian Centre for the Study of Resource Conflict (CCSRC). The purpose of the study was to measure the level of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the "extractive" sector. The extractive sector, for those of us untutored in the terminology means exploration, gas, oil, and mining companies. The document leaked to the press was a first draft of the report, not the final draft. I should also mention that there is a bill, C-300, before the Canadian parliament which would make financing for foreign ventures contingent on meeting federally defined CSR standards. The exploration, gas, oil, and mining companies, and the organizations which represent them are very much against this bill. Leaking the negative aspects of this report was fortuitous for those in support of bill C-300 and disastrous for those opposed to it.

One of the observations the report makes is that adoption of formal CSR policies by companies with international interests is "remarkably low", but that those companies which have adopted CSR policies have experienced positive outcomes. The CCSRC contacted 584 companies which they felt met their criteria to participate in the study. Of those, 202 chose to participate. The first survey question was "Do you have a CSR policy or Code of International Business Conduct?" 56 of the 202 companies had documented policies in place. The study broke the 202 companies they surveyed into "junior" and "major" companies. 50% of the companies designated as major had documented CSR policies while only 21% of junior companies had one.

The survey also asked about the positive effects of a CSR policy. 24% of respondents claimed a reduction in conflicts or complications, 62% claimed better community relations (relations with the communities they were doing business in), and 25% reported increased shareholder interest. On the downside, 24% reported increased administration costs and 25% reported increased operating costs. One question they failed to ask was whether the benefits outweighed the costs.

The information I've stated in the preceding 2 paragraphs was gleaned from the final draft of the report. I don't have access to the first draft but apparently it described some of the 171 violations they were addressing in the study. I reported on one such violation in Project Management Tips section of this web site under the title "CSR Problems". The incidents reported on reflect the difficulty faced by companies who conduct business in some international locations. These incidents juxtapose our Canadian values and ethics with those of the countries our exploration, gas, mining, and oil companies do business in. One incident reported on, and attributed to the mining company's lack of CSR by the media, pitted one host community against another with the resulting violence blamed on the Canadian mining company. I'm not suggesting here that these companies have not made mistakes in the past, or that improvements cannot be made in their CSR efforts, I am suggesting that we should have realistic expectations about the effectiveness of a CSR policy to prevent any problems in a foreign venture.

A reasonable expectation in some cases would be that the company have a documented CSR policy which conforms to the standards and ethics of this country (Canada), abides by the laws of the host country, and conforms to the standards and ethics of the host country. The expectation should be tempered with the acknowledgment that the operating environment these companies encounter in host countries can be radically different than that found here. For example, when one community is in conflict with another over whether a mining operation should take place, we tend to look to non-violent forms of dispute resolution where some countries may resort to extreme violence to settle the dispute. Canadian companies frequently hire locals as security guards to protect their property as local authorities cannot perform this duty for one reason or another. It is reasonable to expect the hiring company to do its due diligence in hiring these people to ensure they don't create a threat to the surrounding community. It is not reasonable to expect that there will be no conflicts arising out of these situations. Where it is suspected that a security guard overstepped their authority, or engaged in illegal behaviour, it is reasonable to expect the employer to cooperate with the local authorities in the investigation.

North American companies doing business internationally have long had to deal with conflicts between acceptable corporate behaviour in their own country and acceptable behaviour in the host country. Bribery is the classic example. There are countries where bribery is not only accepted but essential to conducting business. Our laws will convict anyone proved to have offered a bribe but failure to pay the bribe may result in a failure to perform on the part of the North American company. Failure to perform might result in the loss of all or part of the company's investment in the project. Holding a company to this type of double standard can only result in one of 2 outcomes: the company will break the rule against bribery, or the company will cease to do business in that host country.

Since this web site is aimed at the project management community, let's draw some conclusions from the survey and CSR in general that may help project managers. The first conclusion I would draw from all of the above is that the CSR policy that governs your project must describe achievable goals. By this I mean that the goals, objectives, and standards stated in the policy must be within the project's power to achieve, or comply with. The second conclusion is that the right CSR policy carefully implemented can provide a business benefit to the organization. It is the project manager's job to ensure that those benefits are realized.

The goals and objectives of the project must include goals and objectives in support of the CSR policy. Those goals and objectives should be spelled out in the Project Charter and the connection between those goals and objectives and the CSR policy clearly defined. Make sure that the CSR related goals and objectives you set for the project are clearly defined, measurable, and obtainable and then agree with your stakeholders on the conditions that will indicate the goals have been met. Check for CSR policy goals and objectives that might conflict with each other and any of your project's goals and objectives, both CSR related and non-CSR. Goals and objectives you feel might conflict with each other, or with the CSR policy should be resolved by senior management. Start your escalation by drawing the project sponsor's attention to the conflict and ask for their help with resolution.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?CSR-in-the-Extraction-Sector&id=5675024

Friday, 20 February 2015

The Equipment Used in Mining

Bureau of Labor statistics reported that there are five major segments in the mining industry. They are gas and oil extracting, coal mining, non-metal mineral mining, metal ore mining and the supporting activities. In this matter, each segment might need different equipment. But, there are some types of mining equipment that are used by all segments of the mining industry.


Excavators are types of equipment that are used by the miners to break and remove soil today. Traditionally, they used steam shovels and shovels to do the jobs. An excavator is a vehicle that moves with standard wheels or moves on tracks. There is a rotating platform and a bucket to its end for digging the soil.


Draglines are very big earth moving machines that are used in mining industry. These machines are used to expose the underlying mineral deposits. These are also used to drag away the dirt. The Kentucky Coal Education said that draglines are one of the largest machine in the world. These can remove several hundred tons of the material in one pass.


Drills are very important for miners that extract natural gas and oil. Miners use these machines to reach underground deposits before they pipe the resources to the surface. Instead of being used in gas and oil mining, these machines are also used to mine coal and mineral.

Roof bolters

These machines are used to prevent underground collapses when the mining process is in progress. These are also used to support the tunnel roofs in mining location.

Continuous miners and longwall miners

These machines are usually used by subterranean coal miners. These machines are used to scrape coal from the coal beds. Meanwhile, the longwall miners are machines that are used to remove large, rectangular sections of coal instead of scraping coal from a bed.

Rock duster

These are pressurized pieces of equipment that are used in coal mining to spray inert mineral dust over the highly flammable coal dust. This inert dust will help prevent accidental explosions and fires.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Equipment-Used-in-Mining&id=5633103

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Revitalize and Refresh Your Home With a Dry Organic Deep Extraction Carpet Cleaning

While everyone is familiar with the old-style of water intensive steam-based carpet cleaning methods, few are aware of the benefits of high powered dry extraction carpet cleaning technology. With the environmental concerns of today, and water shortages throughout the country, dry extraction carpet cleaning is starting to gain popularity. This method employs the use of vigorous agitation, deep cleaning organic and biodegradable cleansing materials, and high powered vacuum extraction, to rejuvenate and cleanse deep into the carpet fibers.

The agitation system is composed of two counterrotating nylon brushes which are safe for any synthetic and natural carpet fiber. Natural material carries the cleaning agents and is spread similar to that of carpet powder. High vacuum pressure utilizing HEPA filtration extracts deep down dirt, grime and mold particles. Dry extraction carpet cleaning, while utilizing no water, will leave the carpet ready to walk on as soon as the cleaning is finished.

With old-style steam carpet cleaning it is oftentimes required to use several hundred gallons of water to achieve the same results. And while this type of carpet cleaning may seem less expensive, what many of these companies don't tell you, is that the water they will be using will come from your own tap. Many of the cheapest steam cleaning companies will simply utilize steam cleaning machines which will pump the used water back into your yard.

Dry extraction carpet cleaning requires no additional or hidden costs from the customer. The equipment is lightweight and easy to maneuver, allowing the technician to finish the job usually in half the time of conventional steam methods. Utilizing completely biodegradable organic carrier agents, this material is worked into the carpet to achieve the cleaning and then extracted through high-powered vacuum. The twin brushed agitation method stretches and extends the carpet pile, leaving a texture similar to that of freshly laid carpet.

The scent is pleasant and not overwhelming, leaving the home smelling fresh. Dry extraction carpet cleaning has been around for quite a few years commercialy, but only now is it starting to gain recognition and serious competition to other carpet cleaning services. When looking around for your next carpet cleaning service, consider a dry deep extraction system. With this method there are no harsh chemicals or cleaning agents that can harm your carpets, whether they are wool, shag, cut pile or premium import.

Try dry extraction cleaning the next time you want your carpet deep down clean, you won't be disappointed.

For the absolute best home cleaning and maid service on Metro North Atlanta. MaidPro can get the job done, you dirty it, we can clean it- guaranteed! We only use safe, organic, hypoallergenic, cleaning supplies and systems.


Monday, 16 February 2015

Keene Labs: Create Beautiful Word Clouds With Scraped Data

Without innovation it’s impossible for consultancies to offer services that represent real added value. So we test innovative new technologies by pushing them through Keene Labs. Our dedicated project area where we work with open source communities to develop new products that improve our services.

One of the tools we’ve been delivering client work and experimenting with is called import.io. Through using crawlers, the tool can turn any webpage into raw data – this in turn can be manipulated in a number of ways. The tool itself was built by a young tech startup based in London who I had the pleasure of meeting at the end of last year.

In the screen capture video below I show you how you can use import.io to scrape data from a blog and then present this data as a beautiful word cloud using Tagul. It’s my first screen capture ever – so don’t pass too much negative judgment!


Thursday, 12 February 2015

Data Mining Services in various types

How Companies Can the Most with Data Mining Services

The modern way to use data, effectively.

Data Mining is an act of transferring data into beneficial Information and actionable insight. Often known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), Data Mining is a automated process to uncover a series of never-seen-before information in bulk quantities of data scenario. Post evaluating a series of random factors, which the human mind cannot easily look at or comprehend, it helps in reaching towards an actionable insight by means of progressive mathematical algorithms. These data mining reports are further distributed among esteemed influencers and stakeholders, and are used for enterprise-caliber data mining observations in an insightful manner.

The Process of Data Mining

Here’s a lowdown of a few used cases of how companies are using Data Mining Services in business: ASSOCIATION: Catching hold of frequently appearing observations. For instance, if you want to know which products are regularly purchased in pair, and could be offered together in a combo offer to boost sales.

CLASSIFICATION: Allowing the Data Mining experts at LoginWorks Software to attach observations towards repeated financial patterns of existing groups or categories. For instance, spotting fraudulent transactions or possibly bankrupt companies.

CLUSTERING:Identifying similarities and common ground between observations and groups. For instance, creating profiles for website users or clients by mapping website usage pattern and customer behavior.

DESCRIPTION:Detailing out patterns and showcasing them in a visual manner using explanatory analysis.

ESTIMATION: Revealing features that are difficult to observe with a straight-lined approach because of cost of observation or technical problems. PREDICTION: Predicting an estimated future using previous and present observations. for examples, predicting sales for the next financial period.

What are the Strategic Benefits of Incorporating Data Mining

A Comprehensive suite of Data Mining Services can help your company to:

•    Iron out strategic business problems with the use of number crunching, predictive and inferential analysis.

•    Recuperate your data mining atmosphere by making use of advanced algorithms, artificial neural networks, induction techniques, along with in-data and base-data mining technologies.

•    Automate business trends, understand human behavior and patterns predictions.

•    Do away with complexities of difficult-to-comprehend statistics and, need not necessarily require users to make use of complex applications/interface. Instead, we deliver compact results in the form of touch points, such as Excel, CSV, XML, text file and more.

•    Achieve high-end connectivity and communication capabilities.

The Power of LOGINWORKS Data Mining Services.

LOGINWORKS SOFTAWARES Data Mining Service is an advanced solution for predictive analytics designed to help companies in their strategic decision making. An ongoing process of discovery and interpretation, data mining unearths new and reliable patterns in your accumulated data and patterns, which you can make use of to adhere to testing business questions that calls for constant prediction and inference. With the ever evolving increase of business complexities, as well as the quantity and multiplicity of data, there’s a buzzing need for methods that are intelligently mechanical in nature and are backed by LOGINWORKS SOFTAWARES’ expert support; and data mining that fits the need of today’s businesses aptly. By and large, predictive data mining services makes use of pattern recognition technologies and statistical tools to help accelerate strategic business decisions and lead to more informed conversations with the target audience.

What is offered in our Data Mining Service.

•    First stage of discussion and estimating future direction: If your company would like to gain a competitive edge from our high-calibre Data Mining Services, do get in touch with our sales team at sales@loginworks.com so as to help you in understanding the most advanced benefits and opportunities.

•    Sharing feasibility statistics and studies: If you or your company has a clear view point of how you would want to make use of Data Mining in your flow of business, then do share with us your requirement to ask for a quote.

•    Segmentation and Profitability: Right from assessing the initial assessment to assessing the benefits and completing the data, we’ll share with you a comprehensive report on understanding of data needs.

•    The Final Stage: Data Mining Implementation Service: As soon as the Data Mining requirement is clearly undertstood, we build customized solutions to collect data in an automated fashion and export structured data into usable format.


Big data swiftly harnesses the ever-increasing volume on data on day-to-day basis and the incessant need of enterprisers to harness the true business value of such data in a quick turnaround time. Opening gates to a world of opportunities to find new and insightful calculations, Big Data can be generated at a variety of myriad speeds and types. This data further lends organizations, especially the burgeoning e-commerce industry of today, a competitive advantage, where estimated predictions becomes the bedrock of constant in-flow of costs and revenue.


Unearth the power of the accumulated data by making significant inroads into the digital revolution of 21st century. Leverage the advantage by using LOGINWORKS SOFTWARES end-to-end Big Data Solutions and Services. Our passion, backed with years of domain expertise and rich technical prowess empowers you to outline a Big Data strategy for your business to help uplift your overall IT roadmap, architect and re-imagine your business strategies. With us, you get the following services: Our all-encompassing  THINK, DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT model for Big Data Services aids you to pick up the best strategies to adopt and use data. Our principle areas of focus for Big Data services are:

•    Big Data Management for the IT Organization
•    Big Data Analytics for the Business Organization

*change the Think, Build and Operate Model headline with THINK, DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT model. big data process chart LOGINWORKS SOFTWARES Data Mining Services, also known as Loginworks DataStream is a perfect amalgamation of unlimited volumes, robust technology and matchless expertise. What sets up apart is our one-of-a-kind personalised approach, which makes use of optimal data warehouse technology. IF YOU ARE READY TO TAKE THE ADVANTAGE OF DATA MINING AND BOOST YOUR BUSINESS


Source: http://www.loginworks.com/blogs/web-scraping-blogs/data-mining-services-various-types/